About Us
I Don't Know Her
With Bláithín de Burca and Aoife O'Connor
Inspired by an epic moment of shade by queen Mariah Carey, I DON’T KNOW HER is the show where all the tea is getting spilled and topics picked apart, as your hosts Aoife & Bláithín introduce you – and each other – to people, products, concepts, news stories and other random phenomena, and tell you how to goddamn feel about it. Join Bláithín and Aoife to learn about everything, nothing, and maybe, just maybe… your very own self.

Be Grand: The Leaving Cert Resit
With Andy Gaffney
Andy Gaffney is not very clever. And not in a cute “How old were you when you realised…” way – more in a “didn’t know Barcelona was in Spain” way.
But maybe he can fix that!
BE GRAND: THE LEAVING CERT RESIT is the show where Andy invites very clever talented people onto the show to relive their school days, talk about how they ended doing what they do and along the way, they can earn some completely pointless points by answering Leaving Cert questions from the year they did it.
All in the hope that Andy’s sponge-like brain soaks up this new knowledge! That and provide some sweet sweet light entertainment of course…

Sound In Space
The science behind the scenes!
Traumatized by Tenet? Furious at the Fast family? Well, Sound in Space is here to help. Each episode of Sound in Space looks at the science behind the scenes of your favorite films (and The Island). From real life time travel, the science of superheroes and the do and do nots of Dino cloning , Sound in Space is bringing you all the answers.
Hosted by Barry Fitzgerald, Shivvy Hickey and Andy Gaffney.